Kick-off meeting FishEUTrust / 12.09.2022

FishEUTrust: European integration of new technologies and socio-economic solutions for increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood products

The kick-off meeting of the new EU project FishEUTrust coordinated by prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc is taking place September 12th and 13th 2022 in Ljubljana in person.

The four-year project, worth five million euros, involves 2 partners, including 11 SMEs and two international organizations, EUROFISH and the EU Aquaculture Society. The project aims to establish a comprehensive approach to ensure a sustainable fish and seafood supply chain by developing new technological solutions for greater transparency and traceability, including metagenomic approaches combined with stable isotopes of light elements and sensor technologies to ensure safety and freshness and digitization. The project will also address consumer behavior and promote sustainable aquaculture and the blue economy.

Let’s start and make this project a success!