Reactor snowflakes are grown from nucleus


Of course snowflakes or snow crystals don’t have nuclei in the traditional, biological way, but they all do form around one single particle whether that’s a speck of dust or a piece of pollen.

We are on the cover of Quaternary Research


Members of the Group of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Polona Vreča and Sonja Lojen, co-authored a paper on the origin and characteristics of the sediment of Lake Futalaufquen with colleagues from the Atomic Centre Bariloche and CONICET Scientific and Technological Centre of Northern Patagonia, Argentina.

New doctors of science


Congratulations to dr. Dafina Kikaj and dr. Matic Bergant, our new doctors of science.

Start of 2.5 MEUR EU-H2020 project A-CINCH


Jožef Stefan Institute and 16 other partners will develop novel educational and training tools in nuclear and radiochemistry. The project is coordinated by the Czech Technical University and will last 3 years.

Open position for a Ph.D. student fellowship


The Department of Environmental Sciences at the Jožef Stefan Institute is seeking for an outstanding, highly motivated candidate interested in pursuing Ph.D. research in the framework of the BIOTRISEP project on the Cost-efficient separation of tritium from the water with bio-based systems.