Science slam 2017 / 16.11.2017

22.11.2017, Union Hotel, Ljubljana: Yaroslav Shylapnikov participated at 3rd Slovenian Science slam organised by the Science onto the Street. He presented short 5 minutes pitch with the title ˝Sources and the fate of mercury˝.

22.11.2017, Union Hotel, Ljubljana: Yaroslav Shylapnikov participated at 3rd Slovenian Science slam organised by the Science onto the Street. He presented short 5 minutes pitch with the title ˝Sources and the fate of mercury˝.
WHAT IS SCIENCE SLAM? A science slam is a form of science communication. It is a scientific talk where young scientists present their scientific research work in a given time frame – 3, 5 or 10 minutes - in front of a non-expert audience. The focus lies on teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. The presentation is judged by the audience, and the best pitch is usually awarded. Science slam is a very popular event in various cities around the Europe.
For more information about the presentation follow the youtube and Znanost na cesti link.