Second Slovenian congress on waters, Podčetrtek, 19-20 April, 2017


Prof. dr. Radmila Milačič, assist. prof. dr. Tea Zuliani, Janja Vidmar and Gregor Pavec attended the Second Slovenian congress on waters where the importance of the protection of water eco-systems was emphasized and the effectiveness and deficiency of the water management in Slovenia was critically evaluated.

IAEA Regional Workshop on Source Monitoring in Paks, Hungary


From 27.-31.3. 2017 Marko Štrok attended the IAEA Regional Workshop on Source Montioring in Paks, Hungary. The aim of the workshop was to exchange experience among participants in monitoring of gaseous and liquid discharges from nuclear facilities, hospitals and laboratories. Part of the workshop was also visit to Nuclear Power Plant Paks.

Training of laser ablation ICP-MS in IPREM, Pau, France


Three students from O2 department, Janja Vidmar, Gorazd Koderman Podboršek and Gregor Pavec, participated on a three-day training on LA-ICP-MS, which was organized from 8. 3. to 10. 3. 2017 at IPREM, Pau, France. The training was carried out under the supervision of dr. Christophe Pecheyran and was part of the exchange of scientists within the EU MASSTWIN project.

CCQM-K127 Contaminant and other elements in soil: Final Report


CENAM (Mexico) and JSI (Slovenia) successfully finished a key comparison CCQM-K127 in Category 13 (sediments, soils, ores, and particulates). Two soil samples were used in CCQM-K127 representing a non-contaminated soil with low concentrations of elements As, Cd, Fe, Pb and Mn, and a contaminated soil with higher concentration of elements As, Cd, Fe and Pb.

Two post-doctoral positions available


The ERA Chair ISO-FOOD “ERA CHAIR FOR ISOTOPE TECHNIQUES IN FOOD QUALITY, SAFETY AND TRACEABILITY” at Jožef Stefan Institute aims at strengthening its research excellence related to organic contaminants in food.

ISO-FOOD Spring School for national stakeholders, April 4-7, 2017


ERA Chair for isotope techniques in food quality, safety and traceability (ISO-FOOD) organizes a spring school on application of isotope and elemental analyses in food analysis for determination of its origin and authenticity. The school will take place on April 4-7, 2017, and is dedicated to national stakeholders.

Days of Jožef Stefan 2017


Each year around 24 March the Institute organises the Days of Jožef Stefan to mark the birthday of this great Slovenian physicist.

GLOBAQUA Training Course


The use of stable isotopes in invesIgaIons of hydrological processes and climate change.