Important News for our Department


The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia has authorised the Jožef Stefan Institute for a further 6 years to carry out operational monitoring, namely to assess the total ambient air load in the area of evaluation of the mercury parameter.

ELME at the Firefighting Olympiad


On Friday, 22 July 2022, the Ecological Laboratory with a Mobile Unit (ELME) presented itself at the Firefighting Olympiad, which took place in Celje from 17 to 24 July 2022. 

Kras Wildfires


On 16. 7. 2022 severe forest wildfires started in the Kras area on the border between Slovenia and Italy. As it is the place of Soča frontline during the first world war there are still a lot of explosives from that time. Within ELME (Ecological Laboratory with Mobile Unit, Civil Protection of RS) dr. Jože Kotnik performed air quality measurements, including mercury, in areas where fires were most intensive.

Johanna A. Robinson in daily Delo


In an interesting interview, our former colleague Johanna said what she is doing now and many interesting things about herself and life in Slovenia.

New paper in Water published


SLONIP - the Slovenian Network of Isotopes in Precipitation, a research platform comprising isotope data and respective data visualization and analyzing tools is presented.

Measurements of mercury in atmosphere in surroundings of active volcano Stromboli, Panarea, Italy


Volcanoes with accompanying phenomena are main natural source of Hg in the atmosphere that contribute several hundred tonnes of Hg on yearly basis. Within the collaboration with Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia from Palermo (INGV), Italy, and CNRS, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography from Marseille (MIO), France, in the last week of May, Asst. Prof. Dr. Jože Kotnik performed measurements of Hg in atmosphere on several locations around active volcano Stromboli over marine surface as well on nearby island Panarea.

A new method of producing oxidized mercury species in the gas phase


Researchers Jan Gačnik and dr. Igor Živković together with colleagues from the Department of Environmental Sciences and the Department of Gaseous Electronics of the "Jožef Stefan" Institute and a colleague from Argentina under the leadership of prof. dr. Milena Horvat developed a new method of producing oxidized mercury (Hg) species in the gas phase. 

3 new doctors of science at O2


Congratulations to dr. Lidija Strojnik, dr. Žiga Tkalec and dr. Johanna Amalia Robinson who successfully defended their doctoral theses in May 2022!

Sampling of water and sediment in the Gulf of Trieste


Between 18. and 19. 2022 May co-workers of the Department of Environmental Sciences, dr. Jože Kotnik, Stojan Žigon and Ali Saeed, and visitors from University of Brussels, Vincent Perrot and Tianhui Ma, performed sampling of water and sediment around Soča River inflow in the Gulf of Trieste.