Hybrid IASWS 2022


The organizing committee of the International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water and the International Association for Sediment Water Science would like to invite you to the 15th Symposium to be held in Piran, Slovenia & Online, between 13 and 15 June, 2022. Participants wishing to present their research findings should submit a short abstract for the consideration of the Scientific Committee.

Award for one the most excellent achivements of UL in 2021


Commission for Research and Development of the University of Ljubljana has awarded research 'Modern organic pollutants - how can we control them with algae?' as one of the most excellent research achievements of the University of Ljubljana in 2021.



Dear colleagues, partners and friends!

At this festive time, we want to thank you for all the many ways you have contributed in making O2 successful and productive.

Happy holidays!





Leja Rovan PhD defense


Congratulation to Dr. Leja Rovan. Her doctoral dissertation Method for the determination of uranium isotope ratios and its application as a novel geochemical tracer was very successfully defended.

Iaroslav Rybkin PhD defense


Congratulations to Dr. Iaroslav Rybkin, who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation Development of methods for electrostatic immobilization and coupling of different microbial cells.