Visit of the Ambassador of India


On behalf of the International Postgraduate School Jožef Stefan (IPS) and the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), we would like to express our gratitude for the visit of the Ambassador of India, her excellency Ms. Namrata S. Kumar on June 27, 2023. 

Dr. Zdenka Šlejkovec's retirement


Dear Zdenka!

At your well-deserved retirement, we gathered to say goodbye. This moment is filled with emotions because we are aware that one of the most respected experts in the field of arsenic research is leaving our Department.

Visit from the Embassy of Hungary, Ljubljana


On June 5, 2023, the Department of Environmental Sciences proudly hosted his excellences Andor Dávid, the Ambassador of Hungary to Slovenia, Ms. Erika Jakó, the Head of Trade and Commercial Office, and Ms. Andrea Földvári Oláh, Consul. 

Anja Vehar received Saubermacher environmental award


On May 11, 2023, the 10th Saubermacher environmental awards, which are granted by the Austrian-Slovenian waste management and recycling company Saubermacher for the best Master's theses in the field of energy and the environment, were ceremoniously awarded in Kidričevo.

Visit from the General Hospital of Celje


The medical staff of the Gynaecological maternity department, General Hospital Celje, visited our Department to honor our collaboration in establishing a longitudinal birth cohort study in Celje and its surroundings.

O2 2022 outstanding achievements captured in a brochure


We proudly present some of the exceptional achievements of the previous year captured in a brochure. The brochure is the result of the teamwork of all the employees of the department and a good proof of how useful and fruitful cooperation between different fields can be.

SCORE 2022 Results


The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) published the results of the latest international SCORE monitoring campaign (SCORE 2022), which aims to track trends in illicit drug use.